We work with you

Spesialist i allmennmedisin og sertifisert innen livsstilsmedisin

Jeg har vært lege i over 10 år, og får mest ut av jobben min når jeg samarbeider med pasienter som ønsker en sunnere og bedre hverdag. Etter å ha jobbet som allmennlege i flere år, ønsket jeg å øke kunnskapen min for å virkelig hjelpe pasienter med å oppnå livsstilsendringene de ønsket. Jeg er nå sertifisert lege innen livsstilsmedisin og bruker denne kunnskapen aktivt for å hjelpe pasienter med å skape endringer i eget liv og bli den beste versjonen av seg selv. Jeg lærer også opp våre andre leger i livsstilsmedisin, slik at man får samme gode hjelp

Å gå ned i vekt kan være utfordrende og det er mange forskjellige faktorer som spiller inn. Med en livsstilsmedisinsk tilnærming tror jeg at jeg kan hjelpe deg gjennom det som har hindret deg fra å gå ned i vekt tidligere. Jeg brenner for å hjelpe mennesker med å nå sine mål, og er klar for å jobbe på lag med deg.

Harmeet Kaur Grewal

Specialist in General Medicine, Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher and Instructor in Ayurveda Health

I have been working as a doctor for 10 years and have extensive experience with various health challenges. I am passionate about seeing positive changes in our lifestyle habits, as I believe that body, mind, and soul are interconnected.

In a stressful everyday life, it can be challenging to find time for oneself and prioritize personal needs. I want to help you discover what gives you a sense of freedom and find the path to a healthier lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy weight is not just about diet and exercise but also about a holistic approach to oneself.

I am a certified mindfulness and meditation teacher, as well as an Ayurveda health instructor, which involves a holistic approach to the person—physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have found that practicing mindfulness, meditation, and stress management can enhance well-being and quality of life, and can also have a positive impact on weight loss.

With my knowledge and experience, I want to motivate you to achieve your goals in the best possible way. I want you to gain better insight into your own health and find your inner motivation to prioritize yourself. I believe that small changes can lead to significant results and that balance is the key to a healthy and long life.

Photo of Mari Niilssen, nurse at Kry

Autorisert sykepleier

Jeg har studert sykepleie på Diakonova. Etter fullført utdanning jobbet jeg på Oslo Kommunale legevakt, før jeg startet i Kry i 2022. Det er meg du som oftest vil møte i resepsjonen på Kry Vika, og jeg vil blant annet ha ansvar for å gjøre målinger og prøvetakning som del av kartleggingstimen.

Laure-Elodie Anquetil

Specialist in general medicine

I have over 10 years of experience as a general practitioner. For me, being a general practitioner means seeing the person in front of me in the context of the life they live. I strive to be informative, to listen, and to share what I have learned. I want to help people to be good to their own bodies and feel strong. If you have chosen to take on the challenge of losing weight, I am here to support you.

Making changes in your own habits and life is not always easy. Most people experience having demands or other obligations in life that affect how we make choices for ourselves, and what we prioritize spending time on. I know how challenging it can be to prioritize your own health. I can help you sort out information, make a plan, follow up on what is most important to you, and together build the way to make you feel the best possible in your own body.

Randi Vassbotn Norheim

Clinical Nutrition physiologist

I have medical education as a clinical nutritionist from the University of Oslo, and have worked with patients since 2004, both in hospitals and in the private sector.

Health can change throughout life, and sometimes so that it is necessary to make adjustments to the diet. I help you find the inner motivation to make changes yourself and the solutions that are just right for you.

If, together with the doctor treating you, you come to the conclusion that you would benefit from extra guidance on diet, you can have video calls with me where we do a dietary analysis and nutrient calculation and thus get advice that is adapted to your particular health.

*Appointments with a nutritionist are added to the program if you and your doctor think it could be useful. This is therefore not included in the price.

Our psychologists

For some, the relationship with food and weight can be challenging on more than just physical levels. Then it might be good to talk to a psychologist. If you think this could be of help to you, you can discuss it with the doctor who follows you up. Read more about our psychologists here.

Psychologist sessions are not included in the program or the price, but can be added if necessary.

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If you have questions, please send an email to support@kry.no.

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Charlotte Salter has an internationally renowned specialization in lifestyle medicine. She is one of the doctor who has developed our weight reduction program.